Vitromusée Romont
Untitled, 2001

Untitled, 2001

Yoki (Émile Aebischer, 1922–2012); Atelier Michel Eltschinger, Villars-sur-Glâne
Lead came, pot-melted coloured glass, 86 x 80 cm
Vitromusée Romont, VMR 482

This abstract stained glass entered the museum’s collections following the major retrospective of Yoki’s work organised to mark his 80th birthday in 2002. It subtly combines colours with very delicate nuances and soft curves. While much of his early work was based on figurative Christian iconography, strongly influenced by Alexandre Cingria and the Groupe de Saint-Luc, he gradually moved away from this. This stained glass is representative of the artist’s approach to non-figurative religious stained glass, as seen in his works for numerous churches in Switzerland and Europe, including in Mézières near Romont. However, Yoki never completely turned his back on figurative art.

© photo: Vitromusée Romont / Yves Eigenmann